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All Things Have A Cost

The fact is that you pay for everything, every breath has a cost. When you receive something, anything, you pay for it in some way. If you don’t pay now, you will pay later, or you may have paid in advance. Self development cannot happen if you deny or ignore ...

What Is Mental Fragmentation

The fragmentation of the many I’s that are part of us are to our mind the same as parasites are to our body. If you looked at one eyelash with a very high powered microscope, you would find that there are literally millions of little creatures that reside on e...

How To Take Passive Action

I can tell you your block of finding happiness, but you will not understand. This is normal, and why it is the greatest stumbling block for a seeker of truth. Truth of the Universe and truth of oneself. It is that you do not understand what there is to learn, ...