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Why Do I Want To Fail

Why Do I Want To Fail

The reason why I want to fail is the same reason I want to succeed. Satori, Enlightenment, Nirvana, different names but all the same thing, the experience of enlightenment, if even for a moment. The state of total bliss and freedom, unity with all things, if y...
Why Pain Continues

Why Pain Continues

I had an impacted wisdom tooth pulled many years ago. The pain continued for weeks after the operation. The dentist cut me open again and looked but could not find anything. It took him cutting me open three times until he found a small piece of tooth that had...

Fluidity Solves All Conflicts

OpposingĀ Polarities May Cooperate With Each Other Or They Conflict To Varying Degrees Fluidity is the answer to all confusing statements. Fluidity is the key to wisdom.This article will discuss fluidity, its meaning and use. If to you, for example, conflict ...