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My Heart Is Closed

We all suffer from a heart that is closed, either a little or a lot, and we spend our life trying to avoid being aware of this, but it is always there in the back of our mind. This article will take the article; “How To Find What You Really Are” a little furth...

The Hymn of the Pearl

The Hymn of the Pearl is a passage from the Gnostic path that I felt is worth publishing as it fills the mind with good thoughts to contemplate. The hymn is commonly interpreted as a Gnostic view of the human condition , that we are spirits lost in a world of ...

What Drives Me Crazy About People

I have experienced too many times and have heard from so many other people about conversations that went inexplicably wrong. You may meet someone, have a conversation, even by text or email, and all of a sudden with tremendous ease and agility that you had no ...

Who Is The Fool In Politics

The problem with a democratic system in which the government officials are elected by majority vote is that it absolutely precludes honesty and sincerity on the part of the person running for election. This is especially true during the campaign to be elected ...