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The Gift Of The Translucent Eyes

The beautiful eyes, the divine gift to the person who opens their heart. The clear eyes, translucent, lit from inside. Looking into those eyes is looking into infinite space without end. The beautiful light, a light that is divine, that shines bright yet doe...

Being Alone Can Be The Best

Being alone can be the best or the worst, it depends on if you are empty or full. To be alone and have nothing to do can be a wonderful feeling without any obligations or stresses. But if that space is empty, it soon becomes painful, so we seek activities or ...

A Coin Has Three Sides

Everyone knows that a coin only has two sides. But what defines a ‘side’? If the coin can stand or sit on it, then it must be a side. Heads, tails and the edge. Yes, a coin can sit on its edge, so that must be a side. To be on one of the two sides is to be sub...

How To Know Which Emotions Are Real

If you tell someone they are stupid and insult them, different people will react differently. Some will take it personally and feel bad, others will get aggressive and reply in kind.  However, if you give anyone love and positive emotions, everyone will react ...