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Why Bother

I have written often about motivation, and having talked to many people, especially young people, who have so many ideas, but they never actually do anything. They are called ADD or lazy or not focused. I have found the ultimate reason is the attitude of; 'Why...

How To Find The Perfect Partner

The little idiosyncrasies and things that bother you about your partner is actually a fixed opinion and ego centred way you want it done, wanting it your way. Letting those things go and accepting everyone, with their little issues, makes you a better person a...

How To Be Happy

There will always be people better, smarter, richer than you, and there will be many more poorer, sicker, lonelier and more unhappy than you. What would a staircase be if there were no steps in the middle? Strive to improve yourself and at the same time, be ...

Happiness Must Be Earned

Many people speak of how we should all be happy, it is so easy, just be happy, don’t worry. Yet many people find happiness very elusive. Why is it so difficult to find happiness if it is truly our natural birthright? If it were true that it is so easy for all ...