The lowest common denominator is the key to success or failure.
Ultimately, everything to do with a business, its operations, its products, sales, expenses, etc, boils down to being effected by the lowest common denominator, the individual human being.
The individual is ruled by their mind, thoughts, desires, emotions and so on, which brings us to the ultimate factor effecting all things, the human mind.
This presentation is targeted to the corporation looking towards increasing sales and profits and improving the work environment and employee relations.
Many programmes are designed to motivate and stimulate the employees or a company through incentives and team building and so on, but these work only on the surface, the conscious level of the mind which is easily effected and so the benefits of these programmes are not long lasting.
Learning about and understanding the subconscious levels of the mind, the parts that we really operate from is the ultimate target for long lasting effects. The first step is looking at the basic function of the human mind.
People are creatures of habit and masters of adaptation. We have been able to adapt to live in all climates, under water and even in very small compartments in space. We can adjust an environment, then adapt our mind and body, and then combining these two factors, live and work anywhere on this planet or in space.
That is a broad version of a simple question, how to change a company. Knowing this, we can look at corporate change with the concept of how a company becomes the way it is, and how people in the organisation have developed a way of working.
We all function by our habits. We come into a company with the habits of our previous employment and then adapt to the current situation. If we are there long enough, we from new habits that are taken to our next work place. This is clear for anyone to notice about their co-workers or subordinates, how they come with habits and over time change to adapt where necessary to the new corporate structure, and then form new habits.
A corporation that seeks internal changes must first look at its policies, internal rules and method of operation, all with the view of how that effects its employees and by that, its operations and sales. Another interesting factor about the human mind is that a person often is not aware of their own habits. We can be very habitual in certain things and never notice that we do things out of habit and where those habits came from or developed.
A skilled consultant will take some time, having trained in the ability to seek out the underlying cause of creating habits, and find the habits that the staff function by which are detrimental to the company in any way.
Simultaneously to that, the consultant will be given a list of target goals by the management that the company would like to achieve, and create a programme that will bring those goals to fulfilment.
Changes can be relatively immediate, however it will take a bit of time to make those changes habit. The goals that come with the programme are employee retention, increased loyalty, and reduction of internal theft and vandalism. These goals are all achieved over a period of time. The changes are sometimes minor and subtle, yet through long term application, the operations are significantly changed.
The analogy would be if an aircraft or ship crossing the ocean would deviate by only two degrees from its course, over a period of a thousand kilometres, it would significantly miss the destination point. Subtle changes over an adequate period of time will make significant results without causing any stress or turmoil.
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