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Don’t Do It

The greatest successes are people who can see some lesson or benefit in absolutely everything. As an example there is the joke of the man who goes to the doctor, lifts his arm, and says; “My arm hurts when I do this.” The doctor replies; “So don’t do that.” T...

Finding Like Minds

This article is a gamble. When you read it, maybe you will identify with what is written, or think I am a fool. I have written this for a purpose and I am willing to take that risk. All I ask is that if the subject interests you, then please read the whole art...

How To Love Yourself

You cannot make yourself love yourself just as you cannot make yourself love another person. Loving yourself is a result, rather than a cause, of a changed personality. When you have rid yourself of qualities that you dislike or are no longer limited by fears ...

Nobodys Perfect

Everyone accepts that nobody's perfect and it is impossible for anyone to be perfect. At the same time, almost everyone would like to know and be in unity with God, or whatever term you use for what you perceive as a greater being. The problem is that God is ...