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What Goes Up Will Come Down

This article is about seeing and being able to use the positive in everything. We will start with exploring the foundation of being able to live a fully positive and successful life, what prevents it, and then proceed to more detail about the method. There is ...

Emotions Are Messages

Emotions are real, there is no question of how large a part of our life they are, but here I propose that there is much more to emotions than just feelings. Emotions are really a message, rather than a feeling. They are not caused by a reaction to another per...

How To Be Present

Being present and feeling bliss is the moment in which you are not thinking of anything else, hence the concept that we are already enlightened, is because what prevents enlightenment is living in thoughts of past or future, i.e., memories. By being fully pre...


A rock thrown into the river will disturb the water for a moment, even splashing drops on the bank. The water can only yield, that is its nature, it has no choice. As time passes, the river flows and the stone is worn down. That is the nature of the stone, ...

Learning How To Learn

The definition of a school is a place in which people who can and wish to learn meet with one or more people who can and wish to teach. It is not a building or a place, the entire planet is a school, or is not, depending on the minds of the people who have co...