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What Goes Up Will Come Down

This article is about seeing and being able to use the positive in everything. We will start with exploring the foundation of being able to live a fully positive and successful life, what prevents it, and then proceed to more detail about the method. There is ...

Emotions Are Messages

Emotions are real, there is no question of how large a part of our life they are, but here I propose that there is much more to emotions than just feelings. Emotions are really a message, rather than a feeling. They are not caused by a reaction to another per...

Poor VS Super Rich

For some people, struggle gives purpose, which is why people who are not rich, stay that way because if there is a struggle to survive, they have a purpose in their life. There is nothing worse than a life with no purpose and any purpose will do. Survival is a...

Emotions Are Contagious

When one person laughs, everyone laughs. When someone cries, others cry. Emotions are felt sincerely indeed, but the question is what elicits the emotion? Are we feeling based on the event, or is it because someone else is expressing an emotion which then trig...

Anatomy Of The Mind

I have created a new model of the mind and personality, The Anatomy of the Mind. A Power Point slide show combines with a book breaking down the aspects of the personality depicted analogically as Organs in the body of the Mind. We begin with Original Creati...

Prison Break

The only way to be truly free is to accept your prison, be that in the society or in your own mind. In that acceptance, you have released your resistance. By releasing your resistance, you become free. Negative emotions and resistance is a denial of the objec...