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How To Be Present

Being present and feeling bliss is the moment in which you are not thinking of anything else, hence the concept that we are already enlightened, is because what prevents enlightenment is living in thoughts of past or future, i.e., memories. By being fully pre...

Learning How To Learn

The definition of a school is a place in which people who can and wish to learn meet with one or more people who can and wish to teach. It is not a building or a place, the entire planet is a school, or is not, depending on the minds of the people who have co...

Having Enough Time

If you are waiting to have enough time to do the things you want to do, to devote yourself to that project or practice that you know would be beneficial, you will never find the time. Time has to be stolen from one thing or another, you are always doing somet...

Emotions Are Contagious

When one person laughs, everyone laughs. When someone cries, others cry. Emotions are felt sincerely indeed, but the question is what elicits the emotion? Are we feeling based on the event, or is it because someone else is expressing an emotion which then trig...