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My Prayer

You will notice that my articles vary in style and content. I assure you that I have written every word of what I publish, and if I take from another, I give them credit. What I write and post here is as much for you, the reader, as it is for me, to let my t...

What is Spiritual, Really.

Law of Attraction - Spiritual Growth Series There are many concepts about spiritual growth. The problem is that you do not even know what ‘spiritual’ really means, otherwise you would have it. The entire concept of ‘spiritual’ is so distorted by false inform...

How to Reduce Sadness

Law of Attraction - Service & Contemplation Series If you have no useful purpose, your work, job, something that you do that is useful and serving humanity daily, or if you do not find what you do to be a useful service, then you may have a feeling that...

Uprooting Anger

Law of Attraction - Practical Meditation Series As an example, when people speak about the roads on a snowy day and say it is a mess, that is a negative attitude. Even if it is true, it may be messy but it is what it is. You will deal with whatever you must t...