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About Your True Purpose

Many people are focused on finding their true purpose or life purpose. They spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to find their true purpose, but never get it no matter what methods they try. My best advice is to forget it and give up because you wil...

Gratitude And Appreciation

There is a big difference between sincere gratitude and profusely saying thank you. The difference is sincerity, and that affects how the giver feels about giving to you in the future. When you sincerely feel gratitude, then one thank you is enough, even a s...

Anatomy Of The Mind

I have created a new model of the mind and personality, The Anatomy of the Mind. A Power Point slide show combines with a book breaking down the aspects of the personality depicted analogically as Organs in the body of the Mind. We begin with Original Creati...

It’s All About Love

It is clear that an accepted belief these days is that all is love. That all things exist because of love. In Sufism, we say that God is love and out of God’s love all things have come into being. So nothing exists save love. It is also commonly accepted t...

It's All About Love

It is clear that an accepted belief these days is that all is love. That all things exist because of love. In Sufism, we say that God is love and out of God’s love all things have come into being. So nothing exists save love. It is also commonly accepted th...

Prison Break

The only way to be truly free is to accept your prison, be that in the society or in your own mind. In that acceptance, you have released your resistance. By releasing your resistance, you become free. Negative emotions and resistance is a denial of the objec...