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Where Have All The People Gone?

I wonder...when something new is opened or discovered and there is so much activity, people say how wonderful and helpful it is, are they lying? or just wrong. For the purposes of this discussion, I am not speaking of a new restaurant, rather this is about som...

Do You Need a Good Slap!

Let me tell you what frustrates me. The frustration comes from my own limitation to help people in a certain position, I simply do not know how to get this type of person past the point they are stuck at. This is not to say I do not know how to fix the probl...

Depression and Purpose

Depression, which is partly anger at ourselves, is self-destructive and drains our energy to the point that it is sometimes difficult to function even minimally. Depression is an illness of will, which becomes diseased, making a person incapable of persevering...

The Magic Pill

In the search for success, love or spiritual growth, everyone wants some new and exciting ‘tools’ or ‘method’, the magic pill. The problem is that success is not made in magic pill form, it comes from long hard work, and people are not interested in that. Wha...