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All You Need Is Love

If this were my last day alive and I was asked what I discovered in a lifetime of searching for Truth, I would have to say that the Beatles were correct, all you need is love. But life is not that simple, and in fact, if all we need is love, then why is love ...

Is Reincarnation Real

This article questions of validity of reincarnation and explores a deeper meaning to the concept. Here, I shall show how the concept is true and false at the same time by exploring another level of its implications in ones pursuit of personal growth and findin...

Are You Lacking Love

The feeling of not being loved is an imagination of the ego while it searches for happiness. You have to create the feeling of not being loved in yourself by yourself. Or more accurately, you have to imagine you are not loved, because that is simply not true. ...

What Is Mental Fragmentation

The fragmentation of the many I’s that are part of us are to our mind the same as parasites are to our body. If you looked at one eyelash with a very high powered microscope, you would find that there are literally millions of little creatures that reside on e...