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My Heart Is Closed

We all suffer from a heart that is closed, either a little or a lot, and we spend our life trying to avoid being aware of this, but it is always there in the back of our mind. This article will take the article; “How To Find What You Really Are” a little furth...

How To Find What You Really Are

If you observe yourself, you will discover that all you are is an emotional feeling. It could be positive or negative, love, anger or hatred, it changes frequently, but ultimately we are nothing more than emotional feelings. Are not all your thoughts and acti...

The Hymn of the Pearl

The Hymn of the Pearl is a passage from the Gnostic path that I felt is worth publishing as it fills the mind with good thoughts to contemplate. The hymn is commonly interpreted as a Gnostic view of the human condition , that we are spirits lost in a world of ...

The Weaknesses That Plague Us

I post articles on a few sites, one of which is http://ezinearticles.com. They give me a report of how many views each of my articles gets and the keywords that were used to find it. This has been a very interesting report. The article that was viewed more th...

Being Human Is So Unfair

I have spent a couple of months visiting my father and I have come to see some very disturbing things about not just myself, but how our personality, and thus our life, is formed and lived. As anyone who has spent enough time reflecting on their character and...

Why Do People Seek Pain

Self-mutilation, or other means of self-inflicted pain, physically, mentally or emotionally, are common to everyone. Everyone finds some way to inflict one form of pain or another on themselves, and we all wonder why. One young person told me that the reason ...

How To Know Good From Bad

What is the right decision? What should I choose? Is black better than white? These are the type of questions that torment us daily, because both sides have good and bad effects. This article is not as much about determining how to make choices as it is about ...