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Happy Or? Part 1

Ask yourself this question; 'If you were given a choice, would you choose to have $10 million but not be entirely happy or, to be incredibly happy all the time.' Another question is; 'Would you rather fit in to society and be accepted as normal but be unhappy...

Humans Are Social Creatures

We all know that we like friends and companionship etc, but rarely does anyone question WHY we like or need certain things. We are an electro chemical organism. Which means we are made up physically of a bunch of chemicals which hold an electric charge. You k...

How To Be Happy

There will always be people better, smarter, richer than you, and there will be many more poorer, sicker, lonelier and more unhappy than you. What would a staircase be if there were no steps in the middle? Strive to improve yourself and at the same time, be ...
Why Pain Continues

Why Pain Continues

I had an impacted wisdom tooth pulled many years ago. The pain continued for weeks after the operation. The dentist cut me open again and looked but could not find anything. It took him cutting me open three times until he found a small piece of tooth that had...

Why Do I Procrastinate

Many people are hindered by procrastination, and have no idea why they do it. There doesn’t seem to be any logic or reason as to the cause of putting things off, but it is almost impossible to get the simplest task done. My theory is that the problem lies in ...